Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Hey, here’s an idea. Let’s take up Keith Rodgerson’s offer to join him Thursday at the Aura Lounge on Fairfield Avenue for the cocktail/mocktail open bar hour starting at 5:30 p.m. Since we’ll be in Black Rock, how about a Black Cat? It’s vodka, cherry brandy, cranberry juice and cola. Maybe Janet Jackson will stop in to croon Black Cat. (Try not to get too happy, okay)
The Cougar is suggesting a $40 donation at the fundraiser on behalf of his Bridgeport First mayoral campaign.That means you can just show up if you want to say hello, but you’re free to leave some moolah to help him share his message in the final weeks. I’m sure Keith would want to meet you in any event. I’ll be there as a scribe in good standing!
FYI, according to Connecticut campaign finance law, “There is a $15 limit on acceptance of anonymous cash contributions to the committee.” You may walk in, pay up to $15 and not be required to provide all the necessary disclosure information that would appear on campaign finance reports. I realize that anonymity is embraced by a number of bloggers.
Speaking of cash, if you’re interested in what life was like for me in Otisville for sharing too much of it with Joe Ganim, I provide a glimpse in my regular column this week. Remember, if a pol ever asks you for dubious money don’t walk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Cougar is suggesting a $40 donation at the fundraiser on behalf of his Bridgeport First mayoral campaign.

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