Monday, October 29, 2007

McLevy vs Rodgerson

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Socialist Study

Is Keith Rodgerson poised to become the Jasper McLevy of his generation?
By Lennie Grimaldi

Rodgerson's no socialist, but he is rather popular with the older set...

Can you believe it, less than two weeks until the general election? The political season's been so quiet since State Senator Bill Finch won the Democratic mayoral primary that there's not even a decent, irresponsible, libelous rumor worth spreading. Give me time, I'll think of something.

Barring an act of God (or a court) Finch will be Bridgeport's 52nd mayor. He has the money, political support, registration advantage and momentum. That leaves second place as the real competitive race. Will it be Republican candidate Michael Garrett, or that Harvard brainiac Keith Rodgerson, running under the Bridgeport First Party? What about Bridgeport police officer Milton Johnson or the pastor James Morton? No money, no Velcro message.

Rodgerson, a 32 year old policy wonk, has been trying to tap into the senior citizen Bridgeport electorate that recalls the city's last third-party mayor Jasper McLevy, a Socialist, who served from 1933?57. McLevy and Rodgerson share some similarities—both Scottish descent (Rodgerson's Italian on his mother's side) and roughly the same age when running their first races for mayor. But there are also major differences. For one thing, McLevy stood on street corners for 20 years railing against the sins of both Democrats and Republicans.

When the Depression hit and folks were suffering like never before, voters began listening to McLevy, particularly when both major parties became embroiled in scandals involving public-works projects. Voters will overlook a lot during the good times, but during tough times forget about it. The electorate reached its breaking point and voted for the Socialist, a roofer by trade, and kept him in city hall for 24 years.

McLevy, however, was more reformer than orthodox Socialist, the guy who introduced the civil service system to the city that cut through the heart of the parties' overwhelming patronage system. If you think there's patronage today, it pales to the stuff that went on pre?civil service. Everyone —cops, firefighters, bridge tenders, custodians—had jobs through patronage.

One day, a guy was sweeping floors at the police station. The next day an election that changed political power overnight literally swept him out of a job. So it went.

McLevy was the cheapskate among cheapskates and most of the people adored his penny pinching. He hated spending money unless it was absolutely necessary. The original snow removal appropriation in 1938 was $300, and therein breathes the story of all McLevy stories.

Snowfall was particularly heavy in 1938 and the people were not happy. The Herald, one of the city's popular rags of the day, was plowing McLevy and in particular his public works director Pete Brewster, whom the paper dubbed "Sunshine" because his way of removing snow was waiting for the sun to shine. "Sole responsibility for the terrible condition of Bridgeport streets following last weekend's double snowstorm rests with Director of Public Works Peter P. 'Napolean' Brewster" screamed an article's opening paragraph.

One day Brewster was sitting in Billy Prince's, a favorite downtown gin mill, taking a beating from Herald reporters. How could you allow so much time to pass before ordering plows to hit the streets? the scribes needled. The headlines, the name-calling, the teasing inched Brewster to the boiling point. He was building a heavier lather than the foam on his beer. Finally he snapped "Let the guy who put the snow there take it away!"

From that day forth the legend of McLevy took on a whole new meaning. The story of how Jasper McLevy said, "God put the snow there; let him take it away," is as much a part of Bridgeport lore as P.T. Barnum's "There's a sucker born every minute." Both men are most famous for lines they never uttered.

As Jasper's voter base began dying and newer voters saw the Socialist as a dinosaur, McLevy was defeated by Democrat Samuel Tedesco in 1957. (Quick trivia question: Who's the second longest serving Bridgeport mayor after McLevy? Yup, Joe Ganim, more than half done serving a nine-year federal prison term. Joe was also the youngest serving mayor at 32.)

Rodgerson doesn't have the money, or political organization to wage a realistic run at the mayoralty, but finishing second is not an irrational goal. Bridgeport's new Republican town chair Rob Russo, who succeeded Rick Torres after he was banished for endorsing Democrat Chris Caruso for mayor, needs a representative showing from Michael Garrett as part of Russo's effort to rebuild, albeit slowly, the party.

Independent candidate Milton Johnson comes across earnestly in his approach to neighborhood issues particularly public safety, his profession. Maybe he does better than expected. One thing is for sure, the general election turnout will be pathetically low. That's what happens when opposition candidates have so little money to frame an alternative message.

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Mayoral hopefuls share ways to improve
Article Last Updated: 10/26/2007 12:58:16 AM EDT

BRIDGEOPORT — Mayoral candidates shared their views on major issues facing the city at a forum hosted by the Watermark at 330 Park Thursday.
Democrat state Sen. Bill Finch, Republican Michael Garrett and Bridgeport First candidate Keith Rodgerson addressed a gathering of 50 people in the lobby of the complex along with petition candidates Milton Johnson and the Rev. James Morton III.

"I will make Bridgeport a safer, greener, more affordable city where we can improve education every year," Finch said. "I will raise the tax base so that we can cut property taxes and improve the schools."

He said he would put Bridgeport on the map "as a reform city with a great past and even greater future."

"My administration will make sure we get cranes in the air and shovels in the ground," Finch said, as he emphasized his support for several large-scale projects in the works, including the $1.5 billion redevelopment plan for Steel Point on Bridgeport Harbor.

Garrett, a material logistics planner for Sikorsky Aircraft, said he would, if elected, bring new industry to the city to provide jobs.

"I will bring industry back to Bridgeport to lift everyone out of poverty," he said. "By industry we grew. I worked in factories to get an education that transformed my life."

"In March I decided to leave the Democratic Party because it did not meet my ethical standards," Rodgerson, a City Council member representing the 133rd district said. "The Bridgeport First Party is an



open tent for everyone interested in making the city a better place, but it is closed to money what would bring a bad influence into politics."
Rodgerson, mentioning his urban planning background, said he was interested in improving city neighborhoods for all citizens, from children to senior citizens. Class sizes in the schools need to be reduced if the quality of education is to be improved, he added.

Morton said his first act as mayor would be to conduct a "forensic audit" of the city finances.

Citing his experience as a drug counselor as well as a bank loan officer, he said, "Restoration of people's lives is what I do best."

"I am the key to unlock the control Democrats have had on his city," Morton said. "I will be a new voice, a beacon to lead the city."

He said he has stressed the need for equitable education, living wage jobs, affordable housing, lower taxes, and social and economic development in his campaign.

Johnson, a city officer and real estate agent, said he would, if elected, call upon the city's state delegation to formulate a mission so that the city gets what it deserves in state funding.

"We have to get on the same page if we are going to get what we need in Bridgeport," Johnson said. "We also have to get a handle on our tax situation and improve our school system to draw more people to the city."

He claimed the current state of the city results from a "catastrophic failure of city leaders over the past 40 years," including not removing old, useless factories to make way for new development.

From the Post Today...

BRIDGEPORT — Although there will be a new face in the mayor's office, the City Council may have a familiar look after Election Day.
That's because of the 47 candidates running for the 20 council seats, 16 of them — 15 Democrats and one Republican — are incumbents seeking another two-year term in one of the city's 10 voting districts.

Some newcomers, however, have stepped forward hoping to capture one of four open seats, which became vacant after veteran council members Thomas A. Mulligan, D-130; Elaine Pivirotto, D-132; Keith Rodgerson, I-133; and Andres Ayala Jr., D-137, chose not to seek reelection.

"This election comes at a very important time in Bridgeport's life," said council President Pro Tempore Robert P. Curwen Sr., a Democrat seeking reelection to the 138th District. "We have a chance to make history. We can't squander this opportunity."

Curwen was referring to several planned big developments, including the $1.2 billion Steel Point mixed-used project on Bridgeport Harbor, and the $500 million high-rise planned for the Remington shaver site.

The next council, Curwen said, should be prepared to "scrutinize and tweak" development projects to benefit the city. He added that the redevelopment of the city is so important, council members may need to consider their district priorities in terms of what may be best for the city as a whole.

Rodgerson left the Democratic Party and formed his own political Party, Bridgeport First. This new



party has two council candidates on the ballot, Stephen A. Miller in the 130th District, and Daniel Comboni in the 131st District. Rodgerson is running for mayor as well as Board of Education on his party line.
Considering the council races as a whole, Curwen said incumbent members are working hard on their re-election campaigns, while the Democratic Party seeks to regain its hold on the Black Rock 130th District. That district has been represented by a Republican and a Democrat for several years.

With Mulligan declining to seek another term, Donna Curran, the incumbent Republican member from Black Rock, has been knocking on doors and making calls — not only to gain re-election but also to elect her Republican running mate, Merrilyn Vanghele.

"I enjoyed my two years on the council and would love to be reelected," Curran said. "Having 20 Democrats and no Republicans on the council would be very unhealthy. I'm doing what I can to prevent that."

The 20 Republican council candidates, however, face a great challenge because Democrats outnumber them by a 6-to-1 margin in voter registration.

Even so, changes may occur in the 137th District on the city's East Side, where Democrat Maria I. Valle is seeking re-election. She is joined on the ballot by Democratic Party-endorsed candidate Daniel Martinez.

Martinez is running for the seat being vacated by Ayala. Ayala, who has served as council president, was elected as a state representative last year.

Valle and Martinez are being challenged by two petition candidates, Lydia N. Martinez and Alberto J. "Tito" Ayala. Martinez and Ayala, who both served several terms on the council in the past, have voter recognition in their favor.

Also, in the 131st District, Democrat Rafael A. Mojica is seeking re-election as a petition candidate. Mojica ran on the slate of state Rep. Christopher Caruso, D-Bridgeport, who waged an unsuccessful primary challenge against state Sen. Bill Finch, D-Bridgeport, for the mayoral nomination.

Another member of Caruso's challenge slate, Toyka Simmons-Cook, was defeated by Richard Bonney by two votes in her quest to become a candidate for a 135th District council seat, following a recount. Bonney's initial victory margin after the primary was 16 votes. Bonney replaced Johnny Dye on the council in August. Dye died of cancer in June.

Two petition candidates, John L. Carswell and Mary A. McBride-Lee, are challenging Bonney and fellow Democrat Warren Blunt on the ballot along with Republican candidates in the 135th District, Manuel Garcia and Kathy Torres.

In the 132nd District, Robert S. Walsh, a Caruso supporter, was not endorsed for re-election by the Democratic Town Committee. But as a member of Caruso's challenge slate, Walsh defeated party-endorsed candidates and gained a ballot spot. Walsh's running mate on the challenge slate, M. Evette Brantley, also received more votes than the endorsed candidates and joined Walsh on the ballot.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rodgerson Drops Candidacy

Well, kind of...we figured the headline might get the writers at the Connecticut Post to actually open the email at least:

Mayoral Candidate Councilman Keith Rodgerson today renounced his dual candidacy for Mayor and the Board of Education, deciding to withdraw his name from the Bridgeport First Board of Education slot and remain solely as a mayoral candidate. Stated Rodgerson "There is a very heated contest for the one guaranteed minority seat on the Board of Education." Citing pressure from the town committee of his newly formed political party Bridgeport First, Rodgerson stated that "one of the key goals of the party this year was to put a parent on the Board of Education. The party believes that my candidacy may hinder the viability of Sarah Comboni--a parent who is my running mate on the ticket."

The minority slot on the Board of Education is guaranteed to either a Bridgeport First or Republican candidate this year. Republican candidates Laurayne Farrar James-a former Democratic councilwoman and Incumbent Thomas Cunningham are running separate competitive campaigns to try and secure the slot. Stated Rodgerson "I firmly believe that Democrats and Independents this November will choose the Bridgeport First candidate over the Republican candidates. If my withdrawal helps to get a parent on the Board of Education...then this sacrifice is well worth it." Rodgerson cites the models of New Haven and Hartford as the impetus behind his initial dual candidacy. "The mayors of Hartford and New Haven sit on their Board of Education as of charter right. I was asking the people to consent to helping me reform the entire municipal budget...not just the city half."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Hey, here’s an idea. Let’s take up Keith Rodgerson’s offer to join him Thursday at the Aura Lounge on Fairfield Avenue for the cocktail/mocktail open bar hour starting at 5:30 p.m. Since we’ll be in Black Rock, how about a Black Cat? It’s vodka, cherry brandy, cranberry juice and cola. Maybe Janet Jackson will stop in to croon Black Cat. (Try not to get too happy, okay)
The Cougar is suggesting a $40 donation at the fundraiser on behalf of his Bridgeport First mayoral campaign.That means you can just show up if you want to say hello, but you’re free to leave some moolah to help him share his message in the final weeks. I’m sure Keith would want to meet you in any event. I’ll be there as a scribe in good standing!
FYI, according to Connecticut campaign finance law, “There is a $15 limit on acceptance of anonymous cash contributions to the committee.” You may walk in, pay up to $15 and not be required to provide all the necessary disclosure information that would appear on campaign finance reports. I realize that anonymity is embraced by a number of bloggers.
Speaking of cash, if you’re interested in what life was like for me in Otisville for sharing too much of it with Joe Ganim, I provide a glimpse in my regular column this week. Remember, if a pol ever asks you for dubious money don’t walk!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Quiet Afternoon at White Diner

Caruso and the Cougar
Only in Bridgeport Blog by Lennie Grimaldi

If you heard the screaming on Saturday afternoon and wondered where it was coming from the near riot was over at White’s Diner on Boston Avenue. Sorry I missed it, but for those who were there it was a real hoot.
State Rep. Chris Caruso, licking his wounds after a tough primary loss to State Sen. Bill Finch, was still trying to squeeze his name onto the November ballot. A lunch meeting was set between the Great Caruso and Keith Cougar Rodgerson, mayoral candidate of the Bridgeport First party, for a meeting of the minds. After pleasantries were exchanged, Caruso presented his case for Rodgerson to vacate his spot for him.
Gee, Rodgerson responded, I was thinking instead of that maybe you should support me. The meeting immediately spiraled out of control. The state rep unloaded on the Harvard cub, calling him this, that and the other thing. The Cougar told us he was aghast at Caruso’s venomous name calling. “I never experienced anything like that in my life. People left the diner.”
To be fair to Caruso, the Cougar is a pretty deft baiter himself and the state rep took offense to the new guy on the block setting him up for the facial grapefruit. Caruso’s furnace blast followed. Listen, sonny, you were wiping snot on your sleeve when I was fighting filthy power plants! I’m paraphrasing, but that was the spirit of the state rep’s message.
Funny thing about the lunch meeting: the deadline for a certified party candidate dropping out for a replacement, according to a spokesperson for the secretary of state’s office, was Friday at 5 p.m., a little fact that Rodgerson already knew, but didn’t reveal to Caruso. Cougar couldn’t give up his slot even if he wanted to. (Caruso’s final hope is court intervention or a long shot write-in candidacy.)
As Caruso was walking out the door, he barked, according to Rodgerson, “Now you can call the Fairfield Weekly and tell them all about this.” Well, Chris, the Cougar obliged!
(Caruso court update: Arguments in Caruso's primary challenge are expected to end on Monday.)