Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bridgeport First Fundraiser at Aura Lounge

Bridgeport First Fundraiser at Aura Lounge
Address: 2914 Fairfield Avenue Bridgeport (Black Rock Section), Connecticut 06606

Candidates Certified by Secretary of State!

For Immediate Release:

Bridgeport First Party Formed,
Candidates Certified by Secretary of State

Today the citywide Bridgeport First Party line of candidates received their letters of certification from Secretary of State Susan Byciewicz. The new municipal party, the first viable third party in Bridgeport in decades, is poised to run a full slate of candidates citywide this November. The party, organized to "bring balance to a one-party town" is a historic coalition of partisan and non-partisan candidates seeking office together on the same party line. “We are a party that seeks to include—not exclude” exhorted Co-Chairman Councilman Independent Keith Rodgerson. “This party has reform built into it. We are starting an organization from the ground up with no ethical shortcuts whatsoever and a clearly defined guiding ideology that we have stated succinctly on WWW.BRIDGEPORTFIRST.ORG.” Rodgerson stated that the party’s bylaws specifically ban PAC and special interest money from candidates’ campaigns and limits the endorsement of state and municipal employees for municipal office. The party bylaws also contain a prohibition on committee members being able to self-endorse themselves for office.

Stated Co-Chairman Scott Neil: “Finally, Independents and Republicans have the opportunity to cut across party lines and work with Democrats towards the betterment of the city together.” Stated Co-Chairman Rodgerson: “ Bridgeport finally has a party that is dedicated to prioritizing self rule…we can finally move the City of Bridgeport ’s forward instead having our city’s future dictated to us by partisan out-of-towners.”

The party leadership are already looking forward to next year when they plan on gaining access to the state ballot elect a non-partisan Bridgeport First Registrar of Voters to see to it that partisan irregularities in the democratic process can cease to exist. “It is important that the Independent voters in town who represent one-third of all voters in this city will finally have a representative for their interests in the Registrar’s Office,” stated Neil. “The Democrats only have a 2-1 registration advantage over Independents and a 3-2 advantage over non-Democrats citywide.”

The Bridgeport First Party, upon receiving 1% of the vote for any of its citywide candidates this fall will have the ability to cross endorse all candidates in the next upcoming municipal races. The Bridgeport First candidates, regardless of their political affiliation, are considered minor party candidates and will have equal access to minority representation on the Board of Education and Sheriff slates this year regardless of the party affiliation of the candidates.

The Bridgeport First Party has stated that it seeks to court a limited group of progressive DTC and RTC members in the coming months in order to bring balance back to the political process in Bridgeport, increase the spirit of bipartisan cooperation within the city, and to spur on reforms within the respective committees. More equitable representation of Bridgeport ’s interests within the state Republican and Democratic parties and legislators in Hartford was also noted as a prime goal by leadership.

The Bridgeport First line of candidates represents the largest assemblage of artists and young “creative class” professionals in their 20’s and 30’s in the city’s history, with more creative professionals running for office than ever in the city’s past. The candidates are as follows:

North End Councilman Independent Keith Rodgerson, a Harvard trained ethicist, real estate professional, musician and master’s candidate in Urban Planning and Development, endorsed for Mayor and the Board of Education.

West End Small Business Owner and Iraq Veteran Republican Scott Neil for City Clerk.

Parent, NEST Artist Independent Sarah Comboni for the Board of Education

130th District Council Candidate Democrat Stephen Miller, author, Vietnam Veteran and noted anti-war activist.

131st District Council Candidate Independent Daniel Comboni, Sikorsky employee and lead organizer for the NEST Arts Factory/U-C-E-R.

Sheriff Candidate noted graphic designer and Thirsty Ear records employee Independent Robert Beam

Sheriff Candidate experimental musician Democrat Carlos Ferreira,

Sheriff Candidate Green Room bouncer and Bounty Hunter Democrat Liston Brown Jr.

The Bridgeport First Party will be announcing additional candidates for the Board of Education and Town Clerk in the coming weeks. Speculation is rampant regarding the identity of candidates to this line following the Democratic primary loss of the majority of State Rep. Christopher Caruso’s candidates to State Senator William Finch in the September 11th Democratic mayoral primary.

Press Contact: Councilman Keith Rodgerson, I-133
Ph. 203.522.0040Email: